What is Galveston Housing Plus?

Galveston Housing Plus (GH+) is a new nonprofit organization committed to helping persons exit homelessness through transitional supportive housing and social services. Through a generous grant, GH+ was able to purchase a medical student dormitory (301 Post Office St.) from UTMB at the end of 2022. Consisting of eighteen units, indoor and outdoor common space, and a full kitchen, the dormitory allows for easy conversion into transitional housing space. The GH+ board of directors began meeting in early 2023. They have been working on initial formation requirements, program and policy development, fundraising, and staff acquisition. In March of 2024, the GH+ board hired Lee Norton as its first Executive Director. The first cohort of residents is expected to move into the dormitory in October of 2024.

GH+ allows persons experiencing homelessness access to low-barrier housing for up to two years. Through individualized case management and group-learning opportunities, persons will gain the resources and networks needed to emerge from homelessness into a life of thriving. In addition to transitional housing, GH+ provides community members with wrap-around services, including employment opportunities, educational opportunities, access to social work and case management, medical care, mental health care, chemical dependency care, and more.